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Hustler Strippers Could Be Better, But Thats Why God Give Man Beer
So, anyone up for some strip club fun? I am guessing these pictures are from low end Larry Flynt's Hustler Club in New York or that one in Baltimore because the strippers are typical Northeast tattoo covered strip club American trash we get. I will never understand why women who make money whoring out their bodies one way or another tend to personalize their bodies with "body art." I mean, you would think they would keep it flawless. Anyway, the high end strip clubs in New York City don't want shit to do with them, they have tattoo free Eastern European shipping container babes. American strippers are just too crazy, the tats are just the outward projection of the low self-esteem and craziness on the inside! While Olga from Ukraine has her masters in nuclear physics and give the best lap dance always with a happy smile. Click on pictures to enlarge.
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